Loyalty Cards

Loyalty cards whether physical or digital are a great way to reward your customers!

Let’s face it reviews are how todays customer will evaluate your business. Reviews are vital and good ones are priceless! The best time to get a good review is when your client is feeling good about you. Clients feel great about you and your business right after they just got a freebie! Reward your customers and ask for a review in return!

You can set up a loyalty program digitally, with check ins via email address or phone number. Physical loyalty cards like punch cards often get lost and cannot be recovered but our cards are swiped like credit cards and if lost can be easily replaced via the balance in the system, while the lost one if swiped will come up empty!

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Loyalty can even be tied by the card the customer uses to pay you and automatically recorded and rewarded.
Loyalty cards unlike punch cards are fully reusable and don’t require reprinting or trips to the office supply to do so!
Reward what means most to you! Dollars spent, visits, items or services purchased. You spent how much to get that customer in the door? Give them a reason to come back and see you!
The bottom line is Loyalty cards work! What are you waiting for?

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